In February Alberta’s UCP Finance Minister will table his final budget of the 30th Legislature. With a general election scheduled for 29 May the budget will be a critical tool for the government to distinguish itself from its main opposition, Alberta’s New Democrats. Attendees will learn more about the orientation the party would or might take if elected in May.
January 16, 2023 | Virtual | Noon - 1:00 pm


Shannon Phillips was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of Lethbridge-West, on May 5, 2015, and was re-elected on April 16, 2019. She currently serves as chair of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and as a member of the Standing Committee on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund. During her first term Ms. Phillips served as Minister of Environment and Parks, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, Minister Responsible for the Climate Change Office and as Deputy Government House Leader. Prior to serving with the Legislative Assembly, she worked with the Alberta Federation of Labour as a policy analyst for five years. She also spent five years as a member of the board of directors for the Womanspace Resource Centre, a non-profit organization that provides resources, referrals and education to the community and to individual women. In 1999 she received a bachelor of arts with honours in political science and in 2002 she completed her master of arts, both at the University of Alberta. Together with her two sons Ms. Phillips resides in Lethbridge, Alberta.