Dr. Cherie Metcalf is an Associate Professor at Queen’s University. She completed her undergraduate degree at Queen’s before earning postgraduate degrees in Economics (MA, PhD) at the University of British Columbia, later returning to Queen’s to obtain her LLB. Following completion of her LL.B., she clerked at the Federal Court of Appeal, and then for former Justice Ian Binnie at the Supreme Court of Canada. She then completed her LLM at Yale on a Fulbright scholarship before joining the faculty. Professor Metcalf’s research as a legal scholar often draws on her graduate training in economics, which focused on empirical study of natural resource and environmental issues. She has used economic theory and empirical methods to investigate the Supreme Court’s s. 35 Aboriginal rights cases, considering impacts on governance, rights holders and resource industry participants. Her related work with Ian Keay has been awarded the Vanderkamp prize for best paper in Canadian Public Policy and also published in the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies.