Alberta’s Electricity Market - Lessons to learn from the Texas winter storm with David Brown
In February of this year, Texas experienced an extreme weather event that resulted in nearly state-wide electric power outages affecting millions of people. Alberta’s electricity market, like Texas, is a relatively isolated market with similar regulatory policy and design. What can Alberta learn from Texas’s recent experiences? Are there policies that can be implemented to enhance the resiliency of Alberta’s electricity market to extreme weather events?
This presentation will discuss the main causes of the Texas power outages, compare and contrast Texas’s and Alberta’s electricity markets, and highlight actions that Alberta can take to help the electricity sector become more resilient to ensuring the lights stay on.
May 6, 2021 | Virtual | Noon - 1:30pm
Please join us for this stimulating presentation, interesting table discourse and a lively question and answer period.
David Brown is an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta’s Department of Economics. He holds a Canada Research Chair in Energy Economics and Policy and is the President of the Canadian Association for Energy Economics. His research lies at the intersection of energy economics, industrial organization, and regulatory policy. His recent research considers questions related to electricity market design, market power execution in wholesale and retail electricity markets, designing regulations to motivate utilities to invest in cost-effective distributed energy resources, and analyzing the impacts of compensation policies on renewable investment.